Sholem Aleichem

With great regret, I probably won’t be able to come to the reunion.  I will be in the USA in June and possibly again in October, so making another trip in August just isn’t feasible.

I have very fond memories – albeit limited ones – of my time on Hemshekh camp in 1968.  I was possibly the youngest ever lagerist – only 5 years old –  thanks to some strings my dad could pull with Bundishe khaveyrim, whilst he took a sidetrip to Canada.  I do remember canoeing, and also standing on stage reciting Moyshe Der Fayerlesher and walking into a hanging microphone. Everybody laughed and I was mortified.  It’s one of my earliest memories.

I am delighted to let you know that the spirt of Hemshekh lives on. I hope you know that SKIF in Melbourne continues strong and continues to run three camps each year as well as meeting every Sunday.   Our recent summer camp – the 73rd year – celebrated its 50th Olympiade, a notion that was brought back to Melbourne from Hemshekh by Henry Nusbaum and Charles (Sluggo) Slucki o’h’.  

If it’s appropriate, I could organise a bagrisung from some Melbourne khaveyrim.  Let me know.

Mitn rekhtn fus for the reunion.   And perhaps the time has come where it could act as the catalyst for relaunching Hemshekh. There is certainly a need for it!

Mit khavershaft (chavershaft as we spell it) un Bundishe grusn

Doodie Ringelblum


Bund Melbourne.

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